Signature Knee Program
Knee pain can very uncomfortable and in some cases debilitating. While painful and frustrating, many causes of knee pain are often very treatable without surgery. Diagnosing your knee problem is the first step in determining what treatment is needed. The first step is a focused medical history, one that sorts out the details of the pain, It is very important to know that many minor knee issues can quickly become a major problem if left untreated.
Our Signature Knee Program Combines:
- Physical Therapy (strength, flexibility and balance)
- Joint Rejuvenation Therapy
- Functional Rehab Training
- Manual Muscle Release Treatment
- Kinesiology Support Taping
The doctor will discuss your history and then perform an examination of the knee joint. Imagine testing may be necessary to make or confirm a diagnosis. Our facility is equipped with high frequency x-ray and diagnostic ultrasound (sonogram) as well as computerized range of motion testing. Once we have determined the precise cause of your knee pain, we can determine the best treatment for you to return to normal function and live without knee pain.
Listen to Dr. Ward discuss Joint Rejuvenation Therapy:
Click Here to Learn About our Non-Surgical Treatments for Knee Pain
View the rest of our WEBSITE to see what we can do for you.